The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays is a premier conference for presentation of advances in FPGA technology. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and available in the ACM Digital Library.
Virtual Conference
February 27 – March 1, 2022
All conference videos now available at youtube.com/channel/UC-nopWI_975JwcisprXFewQ/playlists.
Registration now open at www.isfpga.org/registration.
Statement from the General Chair:
We have made the difficult decision to hold FPGA’22 as a virtual event. The risk that travel restrictions will still be in place, limiting attendance to people already in the US, makes keeping our hotel reservation untenable. We are disappointed to be missing out on getting together in-person for a second year, but look forward to improved software that will make FPGA’22 more interactive and more flexible than last year.
Submission Website: https://fpga22.hotcrp.com/
- Jan 14: Registration open!
- Jan 11: Workshops and Tutorials posted
- Jan 11: Technical Program posted
- Sept 8: Virtual Conference announced
- Aug 30: Submission Deadline extended to September 13
- Aug 9: Submission Website posted
- July 1: Call for Papers posted
Important Dates:
Abstracts Due (All Papers) | September 6, 2021 (No Extensions) |
Submissions Due (All Papers) |
September 13, 2021 (No Further Extensions) |
Rebuttals Due | October 31, 2021 |
Notification of Acceptance (All Papers) | Late November, 2021 |
Camera-Ready Submission Due | Early December, 2021 |
Conference | February 27 - March 1, 2022 |
Organizing Committee:
General Chair | Michael Adler | Intel |
Program Chair | Paolo Ienne | EPFL |
Publications Chair | Zhiru Zhang | Cornell University |
Finance Chair | Lesley Shannon | Simon Fraser University |
Publicity and Website Chair | Dustin Richmond | University of Washington |
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair | Miriam Leeser | Northeastern University |
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair |
Suhaib Fahmy |
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair |
Eli Bozorgzadeh |
UC Irvine |
Technical Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors